When there are events at the sportsmen’s club and help is needed, they will be listed below. If you can help with any of the following events, please call Brian at 508-320-9156 to sign up and to get instructions.
>—> Don’t wait till the end of the year and hope there is a way to get your 10 hours. You can work an hour or two per event and easily get your time in.
April 26th. – Kids Fishing Derby – 8:00AM to Noonish (help kids bait hooks, casting, etc.)
May 17th. – Chicken BBQ – Serving 5:00PM to 6:30PM (preparation, serving, cleanup)
June 21st. – Car Show – 8:00AM to 3:00PM (help with registration, parking, food, cleanup, etc.)
September 20th. – Game Dinner 1:00PM (help with prep, cooking, serving, cleanup, etc.)
November 2nd. – Trail Ride (help needed, see Larry Underwood)
November 21st. – Turkey Raffle 7:00PM (volunteers needed)